Plumbing Recovery After the Summer
Now that the kids are back in school and you’re not running around with the family on some awesome summer trips, it’s time to relax and take a good look at your home. We’re sure you keep your home in tip-top shape, but with the increase of foot traffic during the summer months, sometimes your house can take some wear and tear, especially your plumbing.
Experiencing any of the follow issues? Give Rodger’s Plumbing a call!
Slow Showers
Have you noticed that your shower takes longer to drain? Not 100% sure of what’s down there? A clogged drain can be an inconvenience but also cause low water pressure. A plumber can complete a full evaluation of your shower drain and extract whatever may be causing the clog.
Drip, Drip, Drip
If you came home from a vacation to wet carpets and floors, there’s a good chance you have a leak somewhere in your house. Or if you have a discoloration in your ceilings, you definitely have a water leak. That’s when you should call in the professionals who can find the source of the leak and fix it.
Lying Low
Low water pressure is a sure party pooper and can make basic tasks, like washing dishes or watering your garden, rather frustrating. If two different plumbing fixtures are being used at the same time, then you’ll experience low water pressure. And if your house is the go-to fun house in the neighborhood, you don’t want to ruin your plumbing fixtures.
Garbled Garbage Disposals
Nothing says “summer” more than a barbeque and just because summer is over doesn’t mean you need to put the grill away. When it comes to prepping all of those yummy foods, be careful what you put down your garbage disposal. Scraps like egg shells and potato peels can clog the drain and omit an unpleasant odor in your kitchen. You don’t want your party guests smelling that. If you do find that your garbage disposal is worn or clogged, it’s time to call in a plumber.
If you feel like your home’s plumbing isn’t running at full capacity, then give Rodger’s Plumbing a call! We can help with clogged showers, low water pressure, water leaks, and more!