Contact the plumbing experts at Rodgers Plumbing today by calling us at (972) 931-1021 or click Slab Leak Detection for more information.
Our Rodger Plumbing experts will locate the problem; once it is located we will talk with you regarding different options to repair the issue as well of the cost. Rodgers Plumbing does spot repair consisting of opening up the spot of the leak and repairing the pipe. We also do pipe coating and that is applied though the inside of the plumbing. We perform this work when there is a series of small leaks if it inconvenient to dig up the slab. Also if we have to replace the entire line that was leaking we will. The repair process usually takes our experts two days to fix pending how bad the leak is.
High water bills can occur for several reasons. In this case it sounds like you have Slab Leak occurring under your foundation. The average household in the U.S. uses a little over 10,000 gallons of water a month with 10% of that wasted because of slab leaks. Rodgers Plumbing suggests checking your water meter for leaks. This is done by turning off all of your water and checking the flow indicator; if it is not moving that is an indicator you have a leak in your yard or house. If your water bill continues increasing call Rodgers Plumbing and we will send out an expert to address the issue.
You cannot break into a slab without confirmation of the location of the leak. Most importantly do not let anyone dismantle your property to search for a leak. Hire a Rodgers Plumbing professional to come out and diagnose the issue. We have the right equipment such as thermal imaging camera, location and listening devices to pinpoint the location of the leak. With the proper equipment slab leaks can be located and repaired with very minimal damage to your property.
Slab Leaks occur when there is a reaction in the pipes below the foundation of a home or property. Many houses are built on a concrete slab foundation with a single layer of concrete several inches thick. Often water pipes and sewer lines are installed under the foundations prior to the pouring of a concrete slab. Over time there are reactions in the pipes caused mainly from corrosion, wear and tear, as well as poor water quality. Mainly a slab Leak will take place when the pipe makes contact with concrete.
There are many symptoms to look out for regarding the occurrence of a slab leak. Some symptoms of a slab leak to keep an eye on are cracks in the walls and flooring. Another symptom of a slab leak occurring is when you have low water pressure or a short supply of hot water. One symptom that really stands out is the constant hearing of running water when all water has been turned off. Slab leak symptoms also occur when you come across a hot spot and moisture which could lead to the buildup of mildew. Rodgers Plumbing also suggest taking a look at your water bills, if your bill has increased over time that usually indicates a slab leak behind your walls.
A Slab Leak is a water leak under the concrete foundation of a home or property. They are also known as foundation and concrete slab leaks. When these leaks occur above the floor they are known as pinhole leaks.
Rodgers Leak Detection Services include under the concrete Slab, behind or inside of walls, line tracing, irrigation systems, landscaping leaks, water main leaks, under foundation leaks, etc.
Underground leaks are harder to pinpoint than those that occur at a visible site. The assistance of a Rodgers Plumbing expert is necessary to determine the site of the leak to fix it.